has been assigned a (sym)pathetic bunch of bewildered borderline
who find themselves just the wrong side of the line through stupidity,
mischance or cowardice rather than malice.
is the ex-sergeant who never questioned a superior
no matter how questionable the orders. He may yet find redemption.
His deserving captain should be up to his neck in it, upside down,
in a deeper, hotter circle of Hell.
'Shell-Shock' and 'Feather' are condemned because of their failure
to follow orders.
you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't
Scene - high in the cave roof
Track or pan across sleeping imps,
hanging upside down in the manner of bats amongst the stalagtites.
Sound effect of snoring, which crossfades to the sound of a hacksaw
working through the chain which holds one end of Hiero's hammock...
Hiero, falling, remembers wings,
ta da!... too late, crumpled wings hang pathetically outside mining
narrowgauge truck, which is now launched down the mine tunnel as
camera tracks back to wide shot revealing evil imps descending slides
and fireman's poles of varying designs, some spring like and some
double helix. Dizzy imps then weave and one blanches, brings up
into its cheeks then swallows. Others swoop down using their wings.
Hiero can only hold on as the
truck hurtles through the tunnels past other evil imps - in on the
plot - who grin and switch the points to send cart towards its doom,
twisting and turning all the while...